Welcome to Disley Meeting!

We meet each Sunday at 10:30 a.m.

All are welcome, anytime. We meet for about an hour, and afterwards we have coffee and tea and an informal chat. If you like, you can just come and join us for that bit.

We meet both in person at the meeting house and online using Zoom (link in Find Us below).

We have a Children's Meeting the first and third Sunday of each month, and other Sundays by arrangement.

We have a loop system, an accessible toilet, and a stairlift.

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Meeting for Learning at Disley


On Sunday 19th January 2025 Friends of Disley Meeting provided a delicious lunch of hot soup, bread and cheese. This was followed by a Meeting for Learning on the theme of "Creative Conflict". The session was facilitated by Véronique Pin-Fat. She was was joined by 16 Friends who enthusiastically engaged in activities designed to de-escalate conflict, connect with empathy and build trust. 


Meetings for Learning

Meetings for Learning at Disley Meeting House. All MfL are after Meeting for Worship at Disley Meeting House. All welcome.


1) Sunday 17th November: “What does it mean to be an experiential faith?” led by Till Geiger.

2) Sunday 19th January 2025: “Creative Conflict” led by Véronique Pin-Fat. For this session we will have a soup/bread and cheese lunch beforehand. It’s also the children’s meeting that Sunday.

3) Sunday 16th February: “Maintaining Hope: some thoughts based on Joanna Macy’s message of Active Hope”, led by Jan Vulliamy.


George Fox 400 in Disley

This weekend (31st August 2024) Disley Meeting joined the 2024 celebrations for the founder of Quakers, George Fox, who was born 400 years ago. We marked the anniversary with an Open Day at the meeting house on Saturday, with an exhibition and a video about the life of George Fox. There were 11 visitors whom Disley Quakers had not met before and some interesting conversations with them were shared. On Sunday there was an all-age worship, inviting children and adults to think about the radical questions which prompted George Fox to discover a new, experiential way of worshiping. The George Fox cake (above), made by Lizzy Sumner, was "scoffed entirely"!!





